How To Export

Export Fresh produce and Animal Products

Fresh Agricultural Produce must be packaged in a certified packaging facility. Information on packaging facility specifications and guidelines can be accessed through the Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce’s (MIIC) Plant Quarantine Department as well as a list of already certified facilities through which you may partner.

Meat, meat products and biproducts from animal must be certified by the Veterinary Services Division of the Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce.

Exporter Registration Requirements and process

    1. Register on ASYCUDA (if you are new to ASYCUDA).Click here to register

    You are required to have a Tax Registration Number (TRN). If you are registering as a business, your business TRN and the personal TRN for the user are required. For individual registration, only your personal TRN is to be entered. The TRN fields require 13 digits, so kindly add zeros at the end; for e.g. 1234567890000.

    Also, be sure to select exporter, and not importer, when you are prompted to. If you already have an ASYCUDA user account, proceed to Step 2.

    NB: Should you experience any difficulties with the ASYCUDA user registration process, kindly contact the ASYCUDA/Jamaica Customs Agency Help Desk:

    First Line Support : IMU Help Desk

    Opening Hours: 8:30a.m. – 9:00a.m. Monday – Friday, and copy and
    Phone: 1(876)750-3030, 1(876)922-5140-8 extensions 3030,3126,3127,3133

    2. Click on ASYCUDA WORLD to login into the exporter registration portal, NB: JAVA is required to operate this platform.

    3. Then open the Exporter Registration, portal. You will be required to complete the online registration form and upload the certificate of incorporation for your company (or to register in your individual capacity, upload your Government Identification card) and all other required supporting documents – approval letters/permits/licenses.

    NB: If the JAMPRO folder is not seen in your document library, please contact the ASYCUDA Help Desk to update your record to reflect it. Also, ensure that you have all your required documents saved in pdf for upload to the system.

    4.The exporter registration renewal fee of $3,500 and can also be paid online by accessing the Jamaica Customs Home page by following the steps below:

    1. Click the login button at the top right-hand corner of the page above the word English.
    2. Put in your username and password as prompted by the system. A welcome notice with your name will pop up.
    3. Go to Online Services and Click Exporter Registration.
    4. Review the details and ensure your registration number is there before selecting Pay.
    5. Under the heading Review and Confirm Order, ensure that it is stating what you are paying for in the Pay For section i.e., whether it is a new registration or a renewal. Once that is done select Confirm.
    6. Under the heading Submit Payment Details, enter card details in the required fields and Select Pay.
    7. Other payment methods include payment by cash, cheque or debit/credit card at our Kingston office or bank transfers to JAMPRO’s account – National Commercial Bank, 1-7 Knutsford Boulevard Branch, Account No. 351858605 (JMD). Note that the JAMPRO, Montego Bay office is a non-cash branch.

Apply For a certificate of Origin

The Trade Board Limited (TBL) is the designated authority to certify products which comply with the Rules of Origin of a given preferential trade scheme. This requires analyzing products and verifying their working processes to ensure they conform to the prescribed criteria of each trade scheme. The issuing of a Certificate of Origin permits the qualifying product to be granted duty concession, i.e., duty-free or reduction of duty.

Please note that the Certificate of Origin for the export of services is obtained from the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce (JCC).

Products are certified under the following trade schemes:

  1. Caribbean Common Market (CARICOM)
  2. CARICOM/Venezuela Trade & Investment Agreement
  3. CARICOM/Colombia Trade Agreement
  4. CARICOM/Dominican Republic Trade Agreement
  5. CARICOM/Costa Rica Trade Agreement
  6. CARICOM/Cuba Trade Agreement
  7. Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI)/Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act (CBTPA)
  8. Caribbean-Canada Trade Agreement (CARIBCAN)
  9. Generalized System of Preferences (GSP)

The Qualifying Criteria are as follows:

1. Goods to be exported must be analyzed by the Trade Board Limited (TBL) to determine qualification for duty-free entry. Exporters are required to complete a Product Analysis Form for each product to determine its origin criterion. Forms and instructions for their completion can be downloaded from the TBL website

2. Completed Product Analysis Forms should be returned to the TBL accompanied by the relevant supporting documentary evidence e.g., C78, Commercial Invoice, to verify the cost, origin, and type of raw materials. In completing the Forms, applicants must:

  1. Ensure that the correct HS Codes are used for materials/components which constitute inputs.
  2. Note the country of origin for supplier/manufacturer to see what goods originating/non-originating are based on Rules of Origin (traceability of raw materials).
  3. Note quantity and unit cost; Product Analysis Form should be completed using quantities as per the batch/case.
  4. Ensure that the correct HS Codes are used for finished/manufactured products to ensure qualification; the Rules of Origin criteria for the specific trade agreement(s) are checked against the HS Codes for the finished/manufactured product.

3. A Certifying Officer from the TBL will visit the production facility to verify the analysis/information submitted, so as to ensure conformity with the outlined production process.

4. Following the site visit by TBL to determine whether or not the product(s) qualify based on the information submitted and the production site visited, exporters are then advised in writing whether or not the product qualifies for preferential treatment, under which agreement(s), and the origin criteria if applicable.

5. Application for a Certificate of Origin is permitted only if the required Product Analysis and approval have been done. This refers particularly to all manufactured products, including processed foods. For agricultural products, i.e., fresh produce, horticultural products, and local craft items, a certificate may be validated if the TBL Certifying Officer is satisfied that the products are of Jamaican origin.

6. For textile products to be exported, the JN2/JN3 Certificate is issued only to a registered manufacturer in accordance with the Trade (Certificate of Jamaican Origin) (Amendment) Regulations 2004.

7. A Textile Certificate or a Certificate of Origin may be issued to a registered exporter even if that exporter is not the manufacturer of the product to be exported, provided that the exporter presents written authority from the relevant manufacturer (whose product has already been approved by TBL for preferential export.

  1. If a Certificate of Origin is returned to TBL for correction, it is to be canceled and replaced with a revised Certificate of Origin. This means that a new Certificate of Origin has to be completed by the exporter.
  2. Where a Certificate of Origin is reported lost, a new Certificate of Origin must be completed by the exporter. The TBL will insert in the column marked “For Official Use”, “Issued in lieu of certificate validated …. (Date)”

8. Exporters will be required to submit for validation, the following documents in order to claim duty-free or preferential treatment under the various Trade Schemes:

  1. A set (5 copies) of: CARICOM; CARICOM/Venezuela; CARICOM/Colombia; CARICOM/Dominican Republic; CARICOM/Cuba and; CARICOM/Costa Rica.
  2. Set (original & 3 copies) of: CBI, CARIBCAN and GSP Certificate of Origin (Form A).
  3. Five (5) copies of Commercial Invoice.

Exports of CMT Textile & Textile Products to Countries other than Canada

  1. Five (5) copies of Certificate of Jamaican Origin – JN2.
  2. Five (5) copies of Commercial Invoice.

Exports of textile products for which Jamaican origin is not being claimed.

  1. Five (5) copies of Certificate of Exemption – JN3.
  2. Five (5) copies of Commercial Invoice.
  3. Certificates of Origin should be properly completed upon submission to include:
    1. Exporter/seller name and TRN number.
    2. Consignee name and address.
    3. Means of transport/Port of Lading.
    4. Country of Origin/Country of Origin of Goods.
    5. Country of Destination/Country of Final Destination.
    6. Description of Goods.
    7. Quantity (applicable Unit of Measure).
    8. Origin Criteria (CARICOM, GSP, CBI, CARIBCAN, CARICOM/Venezuela,
      CARICOM/Colombia, CARICOM/Dominican Republic, CARICOM/Costa Rica & CARICOM/Cuba).
    9. Textile certificates: Boxes 8-10, 12, 14-19, 19a & 19b, 22 (to ensure that the relevant declaration by exporter is applicable).
    10. Declaration by Exporter (relevant declaration if applicable).

NB: Note that documents with correction fluid will not be accepted. All corrections must be crossed out and initialed.

The TBL emphasizes that to claim duty-free treatment under the various trade schemes, you will require:

  1. Certificate of Origin
  2. Commercial Invoice

Be reminded that applicants should be registered with JAMPRO as exporters. If applicants are not registered, they should visit JAMPRO to complete the registration process.

apply For A Safeguard Mechanism

Safeguard Mechanisms are measures stipulated in the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreements on Anti-Dumping, Subsidies and Countervailing Measures and Safeguards through the Customs Duties Act in order to protect the domestic industry from an increase in imports of any product which is causing, or which threatens to cause, serious injury to the industry. A Safeguard Measure can take the form of a quantitative restriction (quota) on imports or the application of duty or tariff.

The Safeguard Mechanism under the CARICOM agreement is intended to allow for the importation of extra regional material to be used in the production of a finished product and still be eligible to qualify under the rules of origin. This is predominantly applicable where there is a regional content requirement for a product to qualify, most notably for juices.

The main criteria for approval of a safeguard certificate in when there is no production, insufficient production (quantity) and there is substandard inputs (quality) available.

To apply for a Safeguard Mechanism, contact the Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce or visit their website to request a Safeguard Mechanism application form.

Information must be supplied on the efforts made to obtain the required material from within the Common Market (including identification of the Member State and companies from which the material had been obtained prior to the present notification of unavailability and the reasons for its reported unavailability.

Link To Access Safeguard form

Product And Packaging Standards For Export

Packing house must be strong enough to withstand the elements of nature. The structural frame of the packing house must be established using material that will facilitate proper washing, disinfecting and other means of sanitation.


  1. Minimum operational floor space requirement is 92.9m2 (1,000sq.ft).
  2. A portion of the 92.9M2 should be used for storage – sawdust or coir dust storage, chemicals, boxes etc. However, an independent storage facility may be established outside the packing-house structure
  3. NB: This 92.9M2 area does not include space for office, sanitary convenience, storeroom, lunchroom etc.

Building Structure

  1. Must be a separate building from dwelling house in accordance with the public health standards.
  2. Must be of sound structure, established for fresh produce processing; the structure could be established using the following model:
  3. Constructed using concrete or suitable material (board not recommended for the main structure such as sides and floors).
  4. The layout should be designed to allow for loading, off-loading, packing and dispatch of produce.


  1. Concrete flooring for safe and easy movement of people and produce.
  2. Floor must be steel, floated to allow free flow of water and washing after packing.
  3. Floor must be sloped towards drain.
  4. It is recommended that where the floor meets the wall it should be curved with no right angles (semicircle/curves to prevent water settling and allow for easy cleaning).

Wall Surface

  1. Wall surface must be smooth and painted with light-color food-grade paint (fungus resistant).
  2. Wall surface must be an easy-to-clean surface and not prone to growth of mould.


    Adequate ventilation is crucial for proper storing and drying of agricultural produce. This can usually be provided by walls which leave a wide ventilation space beneath the overhanging roof.

  1. At least one-third of wall space should facilitate proper air flow.


  1. Building must have adequate protection from the elements of nature.
  2. Roofing types: concrete slab, aluminium or galvanized zinc sheeting, or any other suitable roofing material – roofing tiles, shakes, and shingles.
  3. Material for roofing must be clean and undamaged.
  4. Translucent sheets could be used to enhance lighting inside packing house. However, this must only be done if ventilation is excellent. Translucent sheets may result in temperature build-up in the packing house.
  5. Roof eaves should hang at least one metre all around.
  6. Roof must be constructed to prevent water settling.
  7. Packing house that is built with slab roof may require additional ventilation.

Lighting and Electricity

  1. Building should have electricity and adequate lighting to facilitate washing, sorting and packing. (Lighting should be a minimum 540 lux).
  2. Choice of lights inside the packing house should be yellow lights; yellow lights act as a repellent for insects.
  3. White lights could be used away from the packing house to pull insects away from operation areas.
  4. Bulbs are to be covered in order to prevent contamination of produce due to glass from broken bulbs.

Screens (protection)

  1. Openings should be screened to protect against entry of insects, birds, rodents and other vermin or anything likely to contaminate the produce.
  2. Screen specification: insect-proof screen.


  1. Through-road access to the property; road should be relatively smooth and able to accommodate small to large trucks and cars.


  1. All screen doors leading to the operational area in the facility must be self-closing.
  2. Must be flushed at the top and floor.
  3. Wooden doors painted with fungus-resistance oil paint.
  4. Easily cleaned, smooth, non-absorbent surfaces.


  1. Drainage must be designed to handle run-off as well as water used in processing operations, without posing threat to the environment.
  2. Drains and wastage conveyance outlets: open-drain system to facilitate cleaning and inclined to allow flow of waste from the packing house (must be designed to prevent the entry of rodents).

Charcoal Pit

    A charcoal pit should be constructed for the disposal of unused chemical mixture. The minimum pit dimension should be 90cm (3ft) wide and 120cm (4ft) deep. The pit should be layered, first with a layer of clay, then charcoal, then a mixture of sand, marl and clay (1:2:1:1 ratio) and topped with charcoal.

Space Layout/Flow

  1. From offloading through to finish, product should be in a unidirectional flow, with designated operational area. There should be a designated area for offloading, checking, sorting, washing and cleaning, treatment, packing, holding and dispatching.
  2. Layout should be designed to allow free movement of produce and personnel throughout the packinghouse.
  3. Allow separate space for offloading, checking, and recording, washing, holding, treatments, packing and dispatch areas.
  4. Allot adequate space for equipment, chemicals, storage of packing supplies.
  5. Chemicals should be stored in a separate, secured, restricted, ventilated area.

Space Layout/Flow

  1. From offloading through to finish, product should be in a unidirectional flow, with designated operational area. There should be a designated area for offloading, checking, sorting, washing and cleaning, treatment, packing, holding and dispatching.
  2. Layout should be designed to allow free movement of produce and personnel throughout the packinghouse.
  3. Allow separate space for offloading, checking, and recording, washing, holding, treatments, packing and dispatch areas.
  4. Allot adequate space for equipment, chemicals, storage of packing supplies.
  5. Chemicals should be stored in a separate, secured, restricted, ventilated area.

Dip Tank (plastic or concrete)

  1. Treatment/dip tank [for post-harvest treatments]: high-density polythene supported on stands about 75cm high; concrete, smooth, impervious, non-absorbent, and cleanable).
  2. Stools and chairs: Seating for workers must be suitable and provide the necessary support and comfort for the users.

Tables or Drying Racks

  1. Drying racks or tables made of plastic-covered wire mesh or diamond-shaped wire mesh are suitable. Dimension: 120cm x 240cm (4ft x 8ft).
  2. Sorting and grading table made from stainless steel or food-grade plastic. If constructed with board, the surface must be covered with a food grade plastic.
  3. Table and drying racks should be approximately 75cm (2.5ft) high.

Trays, Bins

  1. Produce bins, containers or trays should be preferably made of high-density polythene.


  1. Knives must be stainless steel, well sharpened for cutting fresh produce.


  1. Plastic or treated wooden pallets are recommended to be used inside the packing house.

Produce Wash Brushes

  1. Brushes must be available for washing ground produce.

Cleaning Equipment and Supplies

  1. These must be available – broom, mop, shovel, dust mask etc.


  1. Scales for weighing incoming fresh produce.
  2. Scales for weighing finished commodity (and)
  3. Separate scale for weighing chemicals.
  4. Scales should be calibrated and have metric units (kg).


  1. Potable running water (municipal or have proof of treatment)

Roller Conveyors

  1. Optional but recommended to facilitate better management, supported on stands, are ideal for the movement of bins or trays throughout the various stages of the operation.

Pesticides should be stored under dry, cool conditions and be securely locked away. Pesticides must be stored separate from produce and packaging materials. Storage must be in accordance with Pesticide Control Authority regulations. The appropriate chemicals should be used for the intended market. See Post-Harvest Treatment guidelines below:

Requirements for chemical/pesticide use in post-harvest operation:


  1. Rubber gloves. Must be sturdy.
  2. 30cm (12 in) in length (from the base of the hand reaching to the elbow).

Mask and Goggles (Respirators)

  1. Use appropriate safety gears. DO NOT USE DUST MASK

Rubber Boots and/or Hard Boots

  1. Must be worn within operational area.

Measuring Cylinders/Cups

  1. Must be used to measure liquid chemicals correctly, e.g. Mertect

Scale (digital for small measurement)

  1. Small unit scale to measure powder-based fungicide, e.g. Botran

Spoon (teaspoon/tablespoon)

  1. Must be available and used to assist in measuring chemicals.

Record Books/Sheet

  1. Proper record system must be in place and available for viewing upon request.
  2. Records should be made of each post-harvest application.
  3. Each application should be in compliance with the post-harvest fungicidal guidelines.

The operational flow chart that outlines the one-way-flow system will help to design designated areas for storing finish produce and material in a manner that will help to prevent cross-contamination.


  1. There should be a suitable storage area for detergent, soap, bleach, etc.
  2. Chemicals should be stored under dry, cool conditions and kept securely. Store chemicals separately from produce and packaging materials.

Stationery and Shipment Supplies

  1. There should be suitable storage for boxes, tape, staples.

Finished Product

  1. Designated storage area for finished product (finished products must not be stored in close proximity to untreated produce; cross-contamination must be avoided at all times).
  2. A chill room is considered the most suitable areas to store finished produce.

Packaging Materials

  1. Proper storage for pallets.
  2. Proper storage area for sawdust, coir fibre or dust.
  3. If sawdust is stored on the outside, a proper structure with a suitable roof that would prevent contamination from external factors (rain, dust, pathogens) should be constructed to facilitate covering and locking. This structure should be elevated at least 2ft from the ground.

Protective Gear

  1. Aprons, hair cover, hard boots should be worn at all times within the operational area in keeping with food safety standards.
  2. Protective gloves must be worn by personnel handling food.

Personnel Facilities

  1. Bathroom – Located away from operational area (must be properly maintained). Ratio of personnel to bathroom must be in accordance with public-health standards.
  2. Hand Wash Station and Eye Wash Area – Provide adequate hand-washing facility with soap, hand sanitizer, disposable towels, and/or hand dryer.
  3. Running water – Potable running water (municipal or proof of treatment for other sources).
  4. Lunch room – Specific area for eating and relaxing located away from operational area.
  5. Changing room – Located away from the operational area with appropriate lockers for workers.
  6. Sickbay – Must be in place.

First-aid Kit

  1. Must be provided. All workers should know where the First-aid kit is located.
  2. Must have basic items (such as disinfectant, bandages, painkillers, activated charcoal (treatment for poisoning), smelling salts, rubbing alcohol.


  1. Must be in place and accessible to staff
  2. Telephone, documentation processing, record storage etc.
  3. Provide records for review upon request e.g. the produce book
  4. Provide information on traceability programme, e.g. chemical usage

All packing houses must maintain proper operational hygiene in compliance with local and international standards.


  1. Proper outdoor sanitation should be maintained. Shrubs, brushes and grass should be pruned.
  2. Animals are not allowed in the packing house or in the surroundings. There should be no rearing of goats, cows, pigs or other animals on the same compound.
  3. If dogs are used for security purposes, they must be secured during working hours in proper kennels.
  4. Covered bins, containers, garbage-disposal skips must be in place and conveniently located.
  1. There should be adequate signage throughout the facility, for example: No Smoking, Please Wash Hands, Chemical Room, and No Eating